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Construction Committee 092007
Library Construction Committee
Town Hall

Present:  John Christiansen, Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Brent Gates, Joel Lindsay, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson, Bill Strapko.

A quorum being present, Roland called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

Minutes for 9/13/2007 were approved with the addition of the invoice number of the bill from Daedalus.  (Motion: Bill; second, Chris; unanimous in favor)

Our guest for this meeting was Anne Larsen, of the MA Board of Library Commissioners.  Anne discussed the MBLC’s role in our project, making the following points:
·       The building program, or needs statement, should not be changed. The design can be changed, but space needs as described in the building program should not be. Our goal is to try to improve the design without changing the program.

·       Any and all proposed changes to the building program require written rationale to Anne for approval.  

·       Once into construction, change orders, construction documents, etc. should be copied to Anne.  On change orders: keep Anne informed of smaller ones (less than $10K) and submit them with our monthly reports.  Larger ones (more than $10K) should be faxed to Anne’s attention.  Most changes are OK as long as Anne is informed ahead of time.  However, nothing should be delayed waiting for an OK from her.

·       Anne mentioned that the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) has public records of change orders and reviews of designers and contractors for the last 6-7 years.  

·       The town’s contract with MBLC requires us to begin construction 9 months after signing.  This will obviously not happen.  Anne advised the Trustees to write a letter asking her for an extension.  Extensions may be granted every 3 months for up to one year.

·       Anne normally waits till the architect is on board to sit down with the entire team and explain the grant reviewers’ comments about the design.  Group agreed this sounds fine.

·       Our schematic design presented some problems, among them security (Anne encouraged design solutions, rather than technology such as security cameras, to solve these wherever possible) and access (all entrances have to be accessible.  If, for example, our current entrance were to remain open, it would have to be made accessible or we would have to request a variance from the Architectural Access Board.)  We should always investigate all possibilities. A building can become inaccessible in an instant; for example, when an elevator isn’t working.

·       Monthly reports are to be sent in hard copy to MBLC, signed by the project director (the library director), not the Owner’s Project Manager.

·       Anne read of the proposed Bolton Public Safety Building in today’s Globe.  Anne advised us to be aware of this abutting project’s possible impact on the library. Roland mentioned that the groups agree to increase communication in the near future.

There being no further questions for Anne, she left.  The committee turned its attention to reviewing architect references for Lerner Ladds + Bartels and Beacon, as sent earlier via email by Richard and Kelly (attached).

Motion (Pam; second, Joel) to recommend to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Trustees the selection of Beacon/Adams and Smith, with specific language in the contract naming the design team, and subject to a review of active litigation.  Roland then called for discussion.

John R. expressed concern about having fewer references for Lerner Ladds + Bartels than for Beacon.  He added that we “went to the wrong people.”  Ann Hurd, who was also present, said that we need to talk to “people who drive the project” and who know about buildings—the citizens, the building committee, the trustees, not just library directors.  John C. explained that Richard’s focus was how well the buildings work for people who use them.  At the committee’s request, John C. attempted to reach Richard by phone, but was unsuccessful.

The group agreed to the following wording for the motion: To recommend to Board of Selectmen and Board of Library Trustees the selection of Beacon/Adams and Smith, with specific language in the contract naming the design team, and subject to a review of active litigation and the receipt of references from two building committee members (preferably chairs) or trustees. (Motion: Pam; second, Joel; no further discussion; unanimous in favor.)

John C. said that Richard will do the litigation search and obtain more references from people other than librarians.

Brent has been doing research about Stone, Carpenter, and Willson buildings.  He distributed a handout about architectural styles.

Our next meeting will be at 7 p.m. before that with the Board of Selectmen, which is scheduled for Town Hall, on Thursday, September 27 at 7:30 p.m.

There being no further business, Roland adjourned the meeting at 9:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library